June 2024


Reflection by Rev. Karen

Our ditch is blooming abundantly with phlox and the beauty of it greets me every time I turn into our driveway. One of my favourite biblical verses is when Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10: 10) The beauty in nature that I notice this time of year certainly gives witness to this promise. Yet, as I remember those words, they also nudge me with a challenge – how am I giving witness to Jesus’ promise – in what ways can I contribute to the abundance of life of those around me?

            Looking back over the past several weeks, I celebrate the many volunteers who worked together to host the senior meals and the abundant connections forged between people through that program. I celebrate the abundant generosity of those who contributed flowers and time to beautify our grounds again this year. I celebrate the deep commitment of our elders and committee members who share their leadership to bring abundant life to our church family whether it is supporting someone in time of death, or overseeing necessary work to keep our building structurally sound, or organizing volunteers for lunches after church, or sharing ideas and feedback to rework our lease with MPI, or so many other ways of adding to the vibrant life of SSUC.

            So much to celebrate, yet as I hear Jesus’ words, I note that the abundance is not intended for a select few, it is intended for all creation. Are there people for whom, or places where, abundant life is far from being experienced? What can I do? Who is struggling here on PEI and how can I help? Whose needs do I see and whose do I overlook? How do I contribute to abundant life in places far from here? Respectful words, a willingness to listen to another’s story and struggle, a supportive presence at a rally or a parade, letters sent to urge action from an organization, prayers, contributions to food banks or regular giving to Mission and Service, there are a variety of ways in which we can be part of bringing life in abundance to others.

            As Paul addressed the church in Corinth, he shared his thanks to God for the grace of God given to the people through Christ. He assured them they were not lacking in any spiritual gift and that God would strengthen them. I too give thanks to God, for the grace of God I see living through each of you. May God strengthen you as you share your gifts, in whatever way you feel called to do, so that you may have life and have it abundantly!

With Blessings, Rev. Karen


June/July Speakers

June 16 – Rev. Karen                     June 30, July 7, 14 – Rev. Beth

Vacation – Rev. Karen will be away on a trip to Ireland from June 19-July 18.  Paul and I are very excited to finally have the chance to make this trip we had hoped to do 4 years ago. We are looking forward to a mix of hiking and touring and lots of relaxing. I will hold you in my daily prayers, but I will not be checking or responding to emails on my vacation. I look forward to catching up once I return. Rev. Beth Brehaut will be on call for any emergencies.



June 16 – Father’s Day; All-ages family friendly service with a light lunch following.

June 23 – Choir service

July 21 – Outdoor Service 10:30 am You are invited to spread the news and bring along a friend as we gather at Argyle Shore Provincial Park for our yearly outdoor service.  Please bring a lawn chair, sunhat, sunscreen/bug spray or whatever you need to be comfortable. This year we will barbeque some hotdogs to share, and you're invited to bring along any goodies to add to the fun.



Office will be closed Tuesday, July 2 in lieu of Canada Day Monday.




Congratulations to the following graduates:

Jase Sherry – Kinkora High School

Sophie Crabbe – Bluefield High School. Will be studying Science @ UPEI

Mairi MacPhail – Bluefield High School

Chanelle MacPhail – Bachelor of Education from UPEI

Alexa MacPhail – Bachelor of Environmental Studies from UPEI

Joel Garth Rogerson – Engineering Degree from Dalhousie University


Thank You – A huge thank you to Fran Albrecht who did all the paperwork that enabled us to receive a grant to provide senior's meals throughout May. Our gratitude goes out to Peter Hicks, who we hired as our chef, for the delicious meals he provided. Over 17 volunteers (some of them there several times) set-up, served, and cleaned-up. The turnout from the community was excellent and the feedback we received indicated how much this program was appreciated. Again, thank you to everyone who helped make this happen - this is a wonderful example of "Love in Action" within our community.


Congratulations - to Rick and Cathy Smith and to Eric and Heather Dixon. These two couples celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversaries this month. Love is a daily commitment we make to one another, and we celebrate the commitment of these people who have supported each other through all the ups and down of life. May God continue to strengthen their relationships and increase the love and joy they share.


Condolences – Our sympathies to Anna Stewart and family on the passing of Arnold Stewart on May 23.


Thank you – On behalf of the Stewart Family I sincerely express our gratitude to Rev. Karen and our church family for the love and support we received following Arnold’s passing. Many thanks to the ladies who provided the wonderful reception following the service. It was truly appreciated. Anna


Church Anniversary - June 10th marked the 99th anniversary of the United Church of Canada. This next year, various events will be offered as a build up to the 100th anniversary. If anyone has ideas or suggestions of ways you would like to celebrate together here at SSUC - please share them with Rev. Karen. Maybe you have an event idea or sermon topics you'd like explored - let your imagination roll and write it down, and pass it in through the office or send via email to Karen External link opens in new tab or


Building Attendant on Call – For the month of June, John is on call and can be reached 902-658-2305. Jack Sorensen will be on call in July.


Pastoral Coverage – Donna MacKinnon (902-658-2610) and Helen Nicholson (902- 658-2324) will be visiting in June. If you would like a visit or know of someone who would like a visit, please call. Michelle and Barb will be visiting in July.


Donations Items collected in June & July will go to the South Shore Food Share.


Camp Abby – Sunday, June 16 will be our OPEN HOUSE from 2-4. This is a chance to take a tour of the camp, meet the summer staff, win some door prizes and learn more about Camp Abby.
















South Shore United Church, P.O. Box 4, Crapaud, PE C0A 1J0

Clergy: Rev. Dr. Karen MacLeod-Wilkie 902-940-6349; 

Office Administrator: Ruth Boulter 902-658-2863 Office Hours: Tues. - Fri. 830am – 1230pm 

Email: External link opens in new tab or