Reflection by Rev. Karen
“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” Mother Teresa
Epiphany – the season which follows Christmas in the church year, is a time we look to ways in which God’s love shines forth into the world and calls us to join in shining that light on one another. This season varies in length and this year it lasts for two months. What a spacious time to consider what God asks of us for this next year. So many themes will be explored during these months – our connection with one another, diversity of gifts, love that is patient and kind, trust in God, forgiveness, and hope. As we look at our personal lives and the life of our community, what do we choose as our focus for sharing light? We cannot do all things, and we may find with limited time or energy we are not able to do as much as we did before, but we can do small things with great love. Offering a drive, making a phone call, writing a note, supporting a program, connecting with someone after church, thanking someone for their time, celebrating someone’s accomplishment, are small ways we can build one another up and strengthen our community. This next month watch for those moments you can be a part of God’s light sparkling and gleaming into the world like bright sunshine on snow.
Annual Reports & Meeting
Annual reports will be emailed mid-February to those on our list and printed for active members. Tax receipts will be included with your report if you are an identifiable contributor to our church. Please pick up your report promptly either on Sunday morning at the back of the church or drop into the office Tues-Friday 8:30-12:30.
Our Annual Meeting will be held Sunday March 2nd, a thirty-minute service followed by lunch, and then our meeting.
Feb 2nd & Feb 9th Rev. Beth Brehaut
Feb 16th All Ages Service & fellowship time after church
Feb 23rd Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
Mar 2nd Annual Meeting Sunday
Vacation – The first two Sundays in February you will be blessed to have Rev. Beth with you as Rev. Karen takes some vacation time in the sun. Rev. Karen will work the first of the week, but drive to Halifax on Thursday afternoon Jan. 30th. If any emergencies arise while she is away, you may await her return (Feb 8th weather permitting) or consult a clergy of your choice.
It is a delight to welcome young families into our congregation! We appreciate your presence and would like to make your experience with us as enriching as possible. We have a small nursery room that will now be available off the church hall. It contains a few nursery age toys, a small table, a change table, and has a washroom attached to it. Children are always welcome in the sanctuary, but if a parent needs a break, we hope this space will work for you. The audio of the service is linked to that room so you will be able to follow where we are in the service. If there are other suggestions you have for ways we can improve the quality of your experience with us, please email or call Rev. Karen 902-940-6349.
Bulletin Memorials
Many people like to remember their loved ones on dates close to the anniversary of their deaths. One way this is done is to make a memorial donation for a specific Sunday and provide the pertinent information to the office—your loved one will be acknowledged on that Sunday. A suggested minimum donation is $10 but last year many people contributed $20. These memorials help to pay for the cost of purchasing seasonal bulletins as well as our weekly printing costs. There is no limit to how many memorials can be acknowledged each week. Our office administrator has a list of those who have asked her to include their family names every year on specific dates. If you have a new memorial you would like to add please contact Ruth 902-658-2863. It is helpful if you drop off your memorial contribution to the office close to the date of your remembrance so that it is included in your yearly tax receipt.
Meetings (Fellowship Room)
Feb 11th & 25th 2:00pm Study & Support Group
Feb 20th 2:00pm Pastoral Care Committee
Feb 20th 7:00pm Unified Board – The main purpose of this meeting is to conduct a review of our Regional Council Structure, which was implemented in 2019 and to discern: ‘whether the Regional Council is living into its potential for enhancing call and ministry in building relationships with communities of faith and faith leaders’.
Volunteer Hours
Last year we invited you to keep track of our volunteer hours for our church statistical forms. We need those hours reported to Ruth in the office by the end of this week. It includes time at meetings, choir practice, making food or serving at outreach times, it doesn’t have to be exact – your best guesstimate will do, and we appreciate you helping us tell the story of our congregation through your volunteer hours.
Thank You
Last year we welcomed some new people to leadership positions in the fall. Darlene MacDonald and Marie Paynter agreed to be our hospitality coordinators, and Lynn Nicholson agreed to take care of hospitality supplies. Donna MacKinnon and Helen Nicholson joined Susan MacKay as our funeral reception coordinators.
A heartfelt Thank You! To each of them for their work and to all of you who do so much to make our fellowship times, our community coffee and conversation events, our Week of Prayer for Christian Unity meal, and our funeral receptions meaningful experiences for everyone involved.
There are many volunteers who give so graciously of their time, in a variety of ways, and we will renew our commitment to each other in March after the annual meeting. But anytime is a good time to say thank you. This February, show your love – say thank you to one of our volunteers and let them know how much you appreciate what they offer.
Sympathy and Prayers - January has been a difficult month with many deaths that have affected our church family, and our extended community. Our prayers and sympathy go out to all who have experienced loss, that you may feel held by our love. Within our church family we remember Gertrude Ferguson, Dede Harvey, Ralph Foy and Mary Ann Green.
Greeters – needed each week, please see signup sheet at the back of the church.
Prayer Requests – There is a box on the bookshelf at the back of the church for prayer requests, or email
Pastoral Coverage – Joan MacDougall (902-675-2386) and Vicki Francis (902-628-7228) will be visiting in February. If you would like a visit or know of someone who would like a visit, please call.
Building Attendant on Call – John can be reached at 902-658-2305.
Donations – Will go to UPEI for the month of February.
Community Events
Pizza & Games – Senior’s Event Mondays in February. 4:00pm – 7:00pm, Crapaud Community Hall. RSVP to Connie at 902-629-5634
Memories & Memoires – Free upcoming Seniors’ writing class. Capture memories and share your stories. Facilitator Dianna Lariviere, professional writer and author. Approximately 3 weeks, minimum of 6 participants, to register call or text Connie 902-629-5634.
Keilidh For Kids – Bonshaw Hall Sunday afternoon Feb. 23, 2:00 program led by award-winning singer and musician Lucy Farrell and friends, Leah Ellis & Brieonna Locche Richard with Tunes and Tales. Admission is by donation to defray costs. Children under 12 are free.
What did one plate say to the other on Valentine’s Day?
“Tonight, dinner’s on me.”
South Shore United Church, P.O. Box 4, Crapaud, PE C0A 1J0
Clergy: Rev. Dr. Karen MacLeod-Wilkie 902-940-6349;
Office Administrator: Ruth Boulter 902-658-2863 Office Hours: Tues. - Fri. 830am – 1230pm
Email: E-Transfer:
Church website: Regional Council: